24sales B.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 88760014 and is located at Westblaak 90 in Rotterdam.
The risk of theft and loss, embezzlement or damage of data, documents, software, data files and/or items used, created or delivered within the framework of the execution of the Agreement, shall pass to the Customer at the moment they are actually placed at the Customer’s disposal, or at the moment they are put to use for the first time. If and insofar as any damage is thereby caused to the Customer, 24sales shall be obliged to resupply at cost price. Reinstallation and/or implementation shall take place at the agreed rate unless otherwise agreed.
24sales and the Client undertake to keep confidential all (confidential) information obtained in the context of an Agreement. Confidentiality arises from the Agreement or which can reasonably be expected to be confidential information. The parties will observe strict confidentiality with regard to all information they obtain about each other and from each other. All information and data carriers of the other Party shall not be made available to third parties and must remain strictly confidential, unless the other Party has given prior express written consent to do so.
Client is obliged to keep all materials provided by 24sales confidential, not to disclose them to third parties or give them for use, unless expressly authorized by 24sales.
In the event that 24sales, pursuant to a statutory provision or a judicial decision, is obliged to (co-) disclose confidential information to a third party designated by the law or by a competent court, and 24sales cannot invoke a right to privilege, 24sales shall not be obliged to pay any damages and the Client shall not be entitled to dissolve the Agreement.
The obligation of confidentiality shall also impose on 24sales and the Client any third parties to be engaged by them.
Without prior written consent of 24sales and reasonable monetary compensation to that effect, Client is prohibited from employing or otherwise engaging the employees of 24sales from the moment 24sales has deployed the employees for the benefit of Client for the performance of an Agreement, during and up to a maximum of one year after the end of the Agreement or the relevant Agreement. Upon violation thereof, Client shall owe an immediately payable fine of € 25,000 with a penalty of € 500 for each day the violation continues.
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For ambitious companies looking to push their boundaries. With our expertise, we turn your vision into tangible results.
For ambitious companies looking to push their boundaries. With our expertise, we turn your vision into tangible results.